Growatt SPF 5000 ES winter/Night power saving functionality

In some of my videos I already explained that I´m developing a simple circuit to switch the inverters off and on based on the battery SoC and other circumstances. Today I finalized the drawings and want to share those with all other Growatt owners out there. Please use my drawings only if you are firm with electric works. I also give no warranty that this works out for you all as the firmware and hardware status of the inverters changed a lot and with that the inverters behave different in special situations. I also want to warn you that this drawing is more or less a draft and need to be specified based on our local guidelines and regulations and of course of a specialized electrician. There high likely need to be changes/customizations implemented in your case! But it´s a great start for you without getting your brain in smoke to get the right functionality…

This document was fully created by myself and you can use it for private/personal use. In case you are a company and you want to use this circuit for commercial use I highly recommend to reach out to me in advance to prevent copyright issues. Thanks for your understanding.

2 Antworten auf „Growatt SPF 5000 ES winter/Night power saving functionality“

    1. Hi Lutz,

      womit genau kann ich dir denn helfen? Die rechte Seite zeigt das Smartrelais und die zwei ABB Relais die entsprechend die Hauptschalter unten an den Growatts überbrücken. Die Verkabelung zwischen dem ATS dem Smart Relais und den ABB Relais ergeben die Logik der Schaltung.

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