Willkommen im AnswerDesk! Mein Name ist Mariusz ST.
Mariusz ST
Mariusz ST
Wie kann ich Ihnen helden?
Mariusz ST
Wie kann ich Ihnen helfen?
@ scheisser.net . . . . . . . . . .“If you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always get what you’ve always got.” -Henry Ford
Research is going on… Don´t hesitate the progress is in move with this fuckin´ tiny copter. First testflights with full lift of weight are around 11:30min flight times. The following video was one of the first flights last week. Right now the tick is in optimizing state. The gimbal is missing, and the parameters for the flight have to get figured out. There will come minor changes to the setup because the connections have to get constructed for easy exchange of the arms… The arm setup is still the most important thing so we will get more power into it to make it the most perfect hexa style copter, ever created… DJI be aware hahaha