CNC getting mature
2019-01 Monthly Compilation January
Super 135 – take three
today I followed a friends advice not to dismantle the prototype but getting new internals to make a second version. As I didn´t had a ready device the last few months I couldn´t fly also. So the prototype 2 will have to proof itself in the coming days.
So the electronics will be below 200€ (excluding battery) if you order in my favourite chinese online shop Bangood.
I know this is not cheap but this tiny beast is comparable to a 5″ racer frame from the flight characteristics and the durability.
Weight in
with 4s-750mAh
with 3S-800mAh
without battery
Today it happened…
… the maiden flight of the advanced SUPER135. Worked a lot on material tests and found one which has incredible characteristics – strong, durable, flexible and lightweight.
Today I managed to do some testflights to check how effective the frame is. In 3s I got smooth flightimes around 7min with a 800mAh battery. In 4s the 750mAh battery had juice for a 5 min ride.
Don´t be annoyed by the white borders left and right. You can´t see them anymore from now on as I adjusted the camera correctly.
2018-12 Monthly Compilation December
Super135 next round
A lot of time has gone since the last update. Just experimented around with a few materials and maybe found a solution. Fighting on my cetus with another bad ass composite material but looks good for now (and especially the specs)…