
During my stay in Fukushima i stayed two days in a Ryokan near Koriyama which is basically like a wellness hotel at a hot spring called onsen in japanese. There were more than 30 different public onsen and 2 private onsen. Males and females are separated in japan. They also offer some shops, a lot of karaoke rooms, arcade games and huge restaurants. I have been to a ryokan before but it was the first time for me to sleep on a futon at tatami, which means on the floor 🙂 Immediately after arrival you have to change to a yukata and wear this all the time, barefoot and e.g. at dinner. I enjoyed that stay and recommend everyone to experience the same at a onsen hotel. 


Boodle fight dinner

It’s the 23rd wedding anniversary of my friend Boy Cacao…

Boo•dle fight
\bü-dl fīt\

[1] A Philippine military eating tradition, originally practiced by the Philippine Military Academy (PMA) cadets, wherein members of the military—regardless of rank—gather around a long table where a jumble of food is spread over banana leaves or old newspapers, and eaten with bare hands, as a symbol of fraternity and equality

[2] In Philippine usage, the boodle fight is a military academy terminology for “eating combat” or “attack the food.”

[3] The boodle fight is usually prepared in celebration after a successful event or for a special occasion


Boodle fight buffet #theta360 – Spherical Image – RICOH THETA