Airbus 380 at Sydney Airport

3 Quantas 380’s in a row


And another one from Korean Airlines here


It is an impressive bird. I Saw today two landing in front of my window when we waited for the start.

Airport transfer

I searched for a way to go to the airport. The Narita airport is quite far from tokyo. While checking some websites i also found the fastest way. Transfer by helicopter ib only 20 minutes for 280.000 Yen. (Approx. 2.100€) 🙂



In my opinion there are a big amount of jobs which are not really necessary and just offered to increase the service level or to show personal presence. Here are a few examples:

There are always three people at a exit of a construction site taking care that nobody gets into or get hit by a truck. 

10 people are working at a gas station. 

Guards standing at the beginning of the escalator telling you to stand left and use the handrail. 

I just can’t understand why they don’t need to save money. The japanese economy is not the beat recently. 

Who knows what’s wrong at this picture? 


Australia I’m coming soon

Just on the airplane to Sydney. Again 7 hours flight. Puhh, but the Quantas are known to be one of the best airlines and I have to say yes it is like that. Superb trained flight attentands, good food and frenchpress coffee. Wow.

Even the entertainment system did not let miss anything to me and looks quiet like the same in the China Airlines.


One surprise was my seat neighbour.
Anybody knows who it is?

Isaac Reyes #theta360 – Spherical Image – RICOH THETA

Read the answer after this break

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