I did a small tour around this area. Within the day i can say it is a save place. Even at night i did not have problems yesterday. There are some people around want to sell things like guitars, cigarettes and viagra. But the most nasty persons are the girls in makati. They try to sell „sir massages“ everywhere. They are partly rude to do so but i did get it managed to refuse all their offers and walk my way. Be serious say no and go on will do it for the most cases. Here are some impressions from the tour. I am not excited about power shut downs in this city even i did not have one here. Look the wiring. And this is one place where the electric lines are still good done!
Test is done yeehaa
Forgetting checkup
I didn’t recheck all the stuff i have to take with me so this morning i found out that i forget the battery mount for the remote control. So what to do without control…
I checked the internet for rc shops here in makati and found one called http://www.rcvictory.com. So i decided to do a visit at their tiny shop. They are really nice people and I am thankful for helping me. They did not had the battery mount for my remote so we figured out how to get power inside it.
Here is the result. And it works like a charm!
Makati by night
Berjaya Makati Hotel
Good bye Germany
Django auf reisen
So wieder mal was von der front…
Dieses mal ist Django im Handgepäck dabei. Urplötzlich interessiert sich niemand mehr an der Sicherheitskontrolle für die Akkus. Django steht im Rampenlicht. Sein Kosename vom Sicherheitspersonal ist „Flugroboter“… wie unkreativ.Und 3D Aufnahmen macht man natürlich mit mindestens 3 Kameras !?!
Also musste Django nun mal direkt zum Drogen und Sprengstofftest. Er hat das Verhör aber excellent gemeistert. Mal sehen wie das die andren Airlines so handhaben die nächsten Tage….
Chris Malinchak – So Good To Me