Growatt SPF 5000 ES winter/Night power saving functionality

In some of my videos I already explained that I´m developing a simple circuit to switch the inverters off and on based on the battery SoC and other circumstances. Today I finalized the drawings and want to share those with all other Growatt owners out there. Please use my drawings only if you are firm with electric works. I also give no warranty that this works out for you all as the firmware and hardware status of the inverters changed a lot and with that the inverters behave different in special situations. I also want to warn you that this drawing is more or less a draft and need to be specified based on our local guidelines and regulations and of course of a specialized electrician. There high likely need to be changes/customizations implemented in your case! But it´s a great start for you without getting your brain in smoke to get the right functionality…

This document was fully created by myself and you can use it for private/personal use. In case you are a company and you want to use this circuit for commercial use I highly recommend to reach out to me in advance to prevent copyright issues. Thanks for your understanding.

Growatt SPF 5000 manual

please only use the latest or the added manual with your inverter. Growatt has a weird strategy with their devices and had several hardware and software changes within the SPF devices group. On outer cover of your inverter manual you can see on the lower right corner a Version. Latest version for now I know is V4.0. If you have a inverter delivered with this version of manual don´t use older online manuals for this devices as the parameters and other information could have been changed.

Growatt SPF 5000 ES parameter table

find below a tabel with the parameters you can set in the Growatt SPF inverters.

Column B is meant to be the menu where you can access this parameter. In some cases for 111 and 305 you have to hold arrow up and down at the same time in the inverter and press the menu number as password. There are some descriptions for now in german but I will update the list in the future.

Parameter 25, 26 and 35 are not used or unknown for now. If you have further details for those parameters please report…

1000Output source priority: To configure load power source priority
2000Maximum charging current:
set total charging current for
solar and utility chargers.
(Max. charging current =
utility charging current +
solar charging current)
3000AC input voltage range
4000Power saving mode
5000Battery type
6000Auto restart when overload
7000Auto restart when over
temperature occurs
8000Output voltage
*This setting is only
available when the inverter
is in standby mode (Switch
9000Output frequency
*This setting is only
available when the inverter
is in standby mode (Switch
10000Number of series
batteries connected
11000Maximum utility charging
Note: If setting value in
Program 02 is smaller
than that in Program 11,
the inverter will apply
charging current from
Program 02 for utility
12000Setting voltage point back
to utility source when
selecting “SBU priority” or
“Solar first” in program 01
13000Setting voltage point back
to battery mode when
selecting “SBU priority”
or “Solar first” in program
14000Charger source priority:
To configure charger
source priority
15000Alarm control
16000Backlight control
17000Beeps while primary
source is interrupted
18000Overload bypass:
When enabled, the unit
will transfer to line mode
if overload occurs in
battery mode.
19000C.V. charging voltage.
If self-defined is selected
In program 5, this
program can be set up
20000Floating charging voltage.
If self-defined is selected in
program 5, this program
can be set up
21000Low DC cut-off voltage.
If self-defined is selected in
program 5, this program can
be set up.
Low DC cut-off voltage will
be fixed to setting value no
matter what percentage of
load is connected.
22inactiveSolar Balance SbE enabled (max charge plus loads) / Sbd disabled (max charge only)
23000AC output mode
*This setting is only
available when the inverter
is in standby mode (Switch
Note: Parallel operation
can only work when battery
24inactiveNEC disable/enable closes dry contact on battery /opens relay on utility
27111CAP (Inverter Capacity)
28000Address setting
(for expansion)
29111Grdv (vermutlich Grid Voltage)Offsetwert um die Netzspannung zu kalibrieren
30111bat.v (Battery Voltage Offset)braucht man wenn die Bat V im Lastzustand bei mehreren parallelen Geräten unterschiedlich ist hab ich probiert und tut genau das was ich beschreibe…
31111INv (vermutlich Invertervoltage Offset)(vermutlich Invertervoltage Offset)
32111OUtv (Output Voltage Offset)vermutlich auch ein Offsetwert für die abgebene AC Spannung
33111Pvv (PV Voltage)vermutlich auch ein offsetwert für den PV Spannungseingang
34305RST parameter reset
36LI- P5Battery Protocoll CAN/RS485
37000Real time setting—Year
38000Real time setting—Month
39000Real time setting—Date
40000Real time setting—Hour
41000Real time setting—Minute
42000Real time setting—Second
43000Battery equalization
44000Battery equalization
45000Battery equalized time
46000Battery equalized timeout
47000Equalization interval
48000Equalization activated
49000Utility charging time
50000AC output time
51111FrSt dis???
52111PvIS dis???

proto in progress

restarted this huge project. there are thousands of ideas and millions of opportunities and bilions of steps in the freecad files…

only a short update what happens at the moment. I´ll give 2k21 a try to make things better than 2k20 and so this seems to happen also for the 3D printed 3incher.

Cetus3D passive cooling

While printing again a lot of things these days and having a thermal cam in place I have to admit that the motors getting quite hot. I already changed the fan on the extruder motor but even the axis motors getting quite hot and scratching at the max operating temperature defined from the manufacturer Moons. I decided to add passive coolers to my high temp filament printer and will test the next few days how the modified cooling performs.

Tiertime Cetus 3D MK2 vs MK3 differences – Z-axis belt tensioner

The difference of the z-axis profile length I explained in another post is only 2mm but led me to another conclusion about the belt drive. While the belt drive system on the MK3 has a self tensioning function realized in the grey plastic cap with a spring the MK2 version doesn´t have this. Due to this fact the belt on the MK2 has to be mounted already with tension to prevent backlash in the movement. Exactly this leads to the length difference of the aluminium profile. If anybody knows some preferences of the spring I would be happy to know and reorder.

Tiertime Cetus 3D MK2 vs MK3 differences – Z-axis profile

Another thing I struggled was the length of the z-axis. Tiertime provides in their forums most of the printable parts as STL files. So I printed the version for the MK3 in the hope that it will fit on the MK2. Both constructions seem the same at the first view. My z-axis top part didn´t fit properly so I tried to find out what´s wrong after a while I realized that the 60×20 aluminium profile itself compared to the MK3 differs in the length. There is a difference about 2mm which leads to a different switching point of the microswitches. So I decided to adjust this manually to get the printer ready again.

MK2 below 196mm

MK3 below 194mm